Staatsbosbeheer started VRanger

Together with Staatsbosbeheer we started a great project “VRanger” to capture amazing sceneries and VR experiences. Staatsbosbeheer is commissioned by the Dutch government to strengthen the position of nature in the Netherlands.

We started with high end VR experiences and these VR experiences will be used in their own outdoor centers to offer the visitors an amazing VR experience like never seen before. The first VR experiences have been launched last week. Over 30 kids from a local primary school where the lucky ones to experience what it looks like to be a forest ranger spotting animals and get additional information about the unique enviroment. On top of this you could experience what it looks like to be a real viper! Following this great species during the day!

Besides this we will tailor these forest VR experiences for elderly people in nursing homes and young students at primary schools. Therefore we will develop VR expedition boxes so they can watch the VR experiences all at the same time.

We will also start with the VRanger project in Q1 2019. We will supply and train a couple of Staatsbosbeheer rangers with our do it yourself VR equipment. So they can make their own VR vlogs and set up VR livestreams to create forest experiences on a daily base! Keep you posted on this.


HorusVR Experience

We are a world class & state of the art VR development company, enabling companies worldwide to profit from VR technology. We take Virtual Reality [VR] technology to the next level.